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Tradition and innovation have always been combined at the Stanglwirt. Even at a young age, Baltasar Hauser distinguished himself with his incomparable sense for combining trends and tradition.
As part of the award ceremony for the popular Wellness Aphrodite 2022 for the best wellness hotels in German-speaking countries, we have now been recognized for this pioneering role. In the category Tradition & Vision, we as the Stanglwirt Bio & Wellness Resort were awarded primarily due to our established mix of pioneering spirit, innovation, continuity and at the same time sticking to values and respecting the culture of the country. Hotel manager Trixi Moser, who has been with the hotel for over 30 years and is therefore a good example of continuity, accepted the award in person on behalf of the entire Stanglwirt team in Bad Wörishofen.
We are extremely happy about this award and are very proud to have received the "Exceptional - Jury Award for Tradition and Vision" from the expert jury, which is made up of the publishing house management, the editorial teams of the trade magazine Tophotel and the travel portal meintophotel.de, experienced trade journalists and renowned industry experts.